The Role of Leadership and Organizational Culture Toward The Engagement of Millenial Employees Through Job Satisfaction at Pt Mory Industries Indonesia
1Apud Abdul Aziz, 2 Bomer Pasaribu, 3Partogi S Samosir
1,2,3Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Campus Unkris Jatiwaringin PO BOX 7774/Jat CM Jakarta 13077, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership roles and organizational culture on millennial generation employee engagement simultaneously, determine the influence of leadership roles on millennial generation employee engagement partially, determine the influence of organizational culture on millennial generation employee engagement partially, determine the effect of job satisfaction on employee engagement millennial generation partially, knowing the influence of leadership roles on millennial generation employee engagement through job satisfaction variables, knowing the influence of organizational culture on millennial generation employee engagement through job satisfaction variables. The research was conducted at Pt Mory Industries Indonesia. The sampling technique used a random sample involving 58 millennial generation employees. Data analysis using path analysis.
Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the role of leadership and organizational culture affect millennial generation employee engagement simultaneously. The leadership role variable partially affects millennial generation employee engagement. The organizational culture variable partially affects the millennial generation employee engagement. The job satisfaction variable partially affects the millennial generation employee engagement. The influence of the leadership role on millennial generation employee engagement through job satisfaction is greater than the direct effect, so it can be said that job satisfaction is an intervening variable. The influence of organizational culture on millennial generation employee engagement through job satisfaction is smaller than the indirect effect, so it can be said that job satisfaction is an intervening variable
Leadership Role, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Millennial Generation Employee Engagement
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